It’s Not Your Fault!

10 Little-Known Factors Affecting Subconscious Beliefs We may be the most loving, caring parents on the planet or have had wonderful parents ourselves, yet great parenting does not preclude us from accidentally creating faulty beliefs in our baby in utero and during...

Sound Healing

It has only been over the last year or so that I am beginning to understand just how powerful Sound is as a healing force. As a stand-alone vibrational healing tool I feel it has been under-rated for too long. Meditating and toning as a group in pristine Tasmanian...

Self-Hypnosis for Healing

‘Hypnosis’ comes from the Greek word ipnos meaning ‘sleep’, but really hypnosis is not a sleep state, rather a natural state of deep relaxation. For most people this means lowering the brainwave frequency from waking  beta level to alpha level, the same level as in...

Healing the Inner Child

Even though our conscious mind knows we should not behave or react in a certain way to certain people or situations, we often do it anyway! We know we shouldn’t turn red in the face and sweat when we have to talk to our boss, we know we shouldn’t procrastinate getting...

Tips for Healers – Grounding and Centering

In order to keep ourselves in good energetic balance as healers we need to develop a daily routine for keeping ourselves centered and grounded. The following techniques are a couple of my favourites. Rainbow Centering Technique This technique using the colours of the...