Divine Alchemy of Love Teleseminar

Intense, Experiential Healing Connecting to the Divine
with co-hosts Lorraine Cohen and Michelle Mayur


NO sales pitches, NO product promotions. Pure Healing.

The TRANSFORMATIONAL VALUE you will receive from the channeled healing through Lorraine and Michelle on this teleseminar is PRICELESS.

Michelle and Lorraine’s intention on this call is to disintegrate the boundaries of what is possible, moving into infinite possibility, with the goal of expanding consciousness into direct experience of the Divine.

If you are sensitive to energy, you will most likely feel the palpable presence of the Divine on the call.

Here are just some of the many comments received from listeners:

“I want to thank you and Lorraine for the beautiful call. As one who is rarely at a loss for words I am speechless. It was incredibly generous, deeply moving and profound. From the bottom of my heart Thank You!”

“I was able to enter such a deep state that I went in and out a couple of times but most of the time I was aware of energies washing through me and I think at one point when I felt extraordinarily connected to the divine, I observed a seraphim angel. My “team”, including AA Michael, were with me throughout. It was quite lovely. You and Lorraine are extraordinarily gifted and I thank you again for sharing your love with all of us.”

“Wonderful divine connection it was instant as soon as I heard your voice, filled with deep healing love, Thank you both”

” Speechless, overwhelmed, presence of angels all stuffed into my room, tears rolling down my cheeks, feeling so blessed, breath-taking!”

” So peaceful and loving, I am speechless.”

On this Heart-Centered Call You can Experience:

  • A HIGH VIBRATION HEALING INTENSIVE that will release pain and suffering to help you dismantle patterns and programs that have been blocking your direct connection to the Divine
  • A life-changing, heart-opening experience
  • An Energetic Upgrade / Activation to move you into higher states of consciousness
  • Concluding Oneness Blessing called Deeksha


Lorraine Cohen new photoLorraine Cohen is an internationally recognized life strategist and spiritual guide. An inspirational speaker, teacher, and charismatic broadcast personality, Lorraine uses her extraordinary spiritual and intuitive gifts to empower clients to transform fear, release their burdens, and liberate their True Self; to live a life that is ‘awake and authentic’ and to create a reality that is conscious, deliberate and meaningful. Humanity’s awakening is her deepest prayer and commitment.



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Michelle Mayur is a channel for the Divine Feminine energies of Love and the visionary founder of the Heal the Healer global community of healers and Lightworkers with members from over 100 countries. In partnership with the Divine, she co-creates powerful energetic shifts, helping people to transcend their issues, limiting beliefs and energetic blockages and to raise their vibration.

www.angelwings-healing.com & www.heal-the-healer.com


REGISTRATION for this unique Teleseminar is $10, which Michelle is giving to the Bali Animal Welfare Association (BAWA).

BAWA is very close to Michelle’s heart and where she has done volunteer work.
The dedicated staff and volunteers do wonderful work relieving the suffering of street dogs and other animals.

Listen to this brief interview with Michelle and Janice Girardi, Founder and Director of BAWA, as Janice shares how money can be used to help suffering animals (Allow a few seconds for buffering):

Click on the button to make your $10 Payment to Register.
After payment is completed, you will then be re-directed to the Registration Page to complete your Name and Email so you can receive the REPLAY LINK.

If you would like to make a donation to BAWA or to find out other ways in which you can become involved, please visit the BAWA website. You can read street dog Charlie’s story and see photos below of some of the animals the dedicated staff and volunteers at BAWA assist.

Street Dog Charlie - my inspiration for a better future for suffering animals.

Street Dog Charlie – Michelle’s inspiration for a better future for suffering animals.

Charlie’s Story

Michelle found Charlie, the injured street dog in this photo, in a small market in Bali. Lying motionless, his head and ears covered in blood, at first she thought he was dead. No-one else seemed to even notice him or care. After eating a meal of chicken and rice that Michelle purchased from a nearby wahrung (kiosk) and drinking some water, Charlie revived a bit. Michelle rang for the only BAWA ambulance on the island to come and get him. She sat next to him for two hours in the tropical sun waiting, although she was only transiting through the area. Unfortunately the ambulance staff had such a backlog of calls to respond to that by the time the ambulance got there much, much later, Charlie was gone.

We will never know what happened to Charlie. Without treatment his head wounds would have festered, become filled with maggots and meant certain death. It broke Michelle’s heart that she couldn’t even access something simple like antiseptic powder for his head wounds. She held him in the Light for many days afterwards. Perhaps that single white feather she found next to him was a sign that the angels were near and that his suffering would not be in vain if it inspired others to act with compassion. Unfortunately the suffering of street dogs like Charlie and other animals in Bali is ongoing. But it doesn’t need to be that way.


Severe skin problems receiving veterinary care

BAWA cat and child

Love on a trash heap

Bali Street Dog Feeding

Feeding a Street Dog

BAWA Education in Schools

BAWA Education in Animal Welfare
