by Michelle Mayur | May 25, 2015 | Self-Healing
This controversial article about the real causes of heart disease and what you can do about them is sure to confront many people’s beliefs and hopefully encourage you to make up your own mind. By Dwight Lundell, MD We doctors, with all our training, knowledge...
by Michelle Mayur | May 11, 2015 | Forgiveness, Meditation, Self-Healing
A few ideas on how to open up to allowing more Joy into your life… What Opens Your Heart / Raises Your Vibration? – Feeling connected to all that is – Spending time in Nature – Playing with animals and children – Making playtime a regular...
by Michelle Mayur | May 4, 2015 | Self-Healing
Daily stresses often manifest physically in constricted, shallow breathing. Try these easy, quick and most of all, effective, breathing techniques to restore calm rapidly. Bringing mind awareness to deepening the breath immediately turns on the parasympathetic...
by Michelle Mayur | Apr 27, 2015 | Energy, Self-Healing
It is easy to get caught up in our materialistic society that equates feeling joyful and happy in life with acquiring material possessions. If we just have that new home, new car, new dress, etc, then we will be filled with joy…… or will we? When we do...
by Michelle Mayur | Apr 20, 2015 | Self-Healing
Some of the mind-body connections I encounter most frequently in my clients: Back Problems Upper – feeling lack of emotional support Middle – guilt, feeling stuck in stuff back there, often anger stored between the shoulder blades Lower – feeling...
by Michelle Mayur | Apr 13, 2015 | Forgiveness, Self-Awareness, Self-Healing
One of the most powerful gifts we can give ourselves is to forgive, both ourselves and others. In forgiving we are not condoning the behaviour of the person we perceive as having wronged us, but rather we are allowing ourselves to break the hold that person has on our...