Self-Hypnosis for Healing

‘Hypnosis’ comes from the Greek word ipnos meaning ‘sleep’, but really hypnosis is not a sleep state, rather a natural state of deep relaxation. For most people this means lowering the brainwave frequency from waking  beta level to alpha level, the same level as in...

Quick & Easy Self-Healing Techniques

Each and every one of us on a path of personal growth needs a toolbox of quick, easy and powerful techniques to help us release and move beyond our personal issues and blockages. The ones below are some of my personal favourites: YOGA POSITION FOR CALMNESS AND SLEEP...

Raising Your Vibration

A few ideas on how to open up to allowing more Joy into your life… What Opens Your Heart / Raises Your Vibration? – Feeling connected to all that is – Spending time in Nature – Playing with animals and children – Making playtime a regular...