True Case History

Sandra (not her real name), a 40 year old woman from the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, saw me for two healing sessions in 2009. At the time she had been suffering with depression on and off since her late teens and it was the third time she had been taking anti-depressants for an extended period.

She had been struggling with her own insecurities in romantic relationships and of needing “proof” of commitment, such as excessive reassurance, from her partner. Her parents had separated when Sandra was in her teens.

For her first session, I used Angel-Guided Energy Healing to address her depression. This also included moving a couple of sad, ‘distressed souls’ that were with her to the Light. (Yes, I know this may sound a bit ‘woo-woo’ to you, but the attachment of energy-draining distressed souls is surprisingly common in cases of chronic depression, phobias and chronic fatigue.)

For her second session with me a few weeks later, she was delighted to tell me she had been feeling fantastic since her previous session and had weaned herself off the anti-depressants completely! (I always recommend this be done in consultation with the prescribing doctor.) Using Hypnotherapy, a Resistance Bridge Technique and some Gestalt work, I assisted her to delve deeply into accessing the initial sensitising event for her insecurities in relationships with men. Upon retest, her original feelings of a tight throat and heartache were reduced to zero and she was able to review the initial sensitizing event in her mind in complete comfort. She was also given empowering techniques she could use at home.

Recently I happened to see Sandra again and now, 7 years later, she has never gone back onto anti-depressants!

If you would like to find out more about the healing and empowering work I do, I invite you to check out my updated website to see all of my services, including Energy Scans, Angel-Guided Energy Healing, Hypnotherapy, Goddess Activation of the Healing Heart and Soul Retrieval Therapy.

You are always most welcome to use the Contact Form on this website or to phone me on 0421977193 or (03) 9888 0138
for a chat about how I can best assist you with my Healing Services.

PS: If you haven’t already purchased your copy of my inspirational book for women, Embraced by the Divine – The Emerging Woman’s Gateway to Power, Passion and Purpose, grab the Kindle version at
or phone me to get a personally-signed Softcover version within Australia.